Message to Isobel Place residents regarding water supply problems

1st Mar 2018

We are very sorry about the current lack of water supply.

This has been caused by a leak which is reducing pressure and flooding the electrics, causing the pumps for the supply to fail.

We have investigated the source of the leak with Thames Water and have not been immediately able to locate it. It is not in the areas that Thames Water are responsible for.

We have commissioned specialist diggers and contractors so that we can locate the source of the leak. We had hoped that these would already be onsite, but due to the current weather conditions they will not arrive until Sunday.

Despite initially being advised by Thames Water that they could provide a standpipe this has not proved possible.

In the short term we will be providing a bulk supply of 16 litres daily for each affected household from today, more for larger families.

You will be able to collect this from 3-12 or 63-76 Isobel Place between 3-8pm today and Friday and 12-3 pm on Saturday and Sunday. A member of our Concierge team will be on hand to dispense the water and to ensure fairness to make a note of who has received their supply. If you let us know if you won’t be available during these times we will try and ensure you can get your supply for the weekend on Friday evening.

We are also looking into a range of short term options for providing additional water, for example by running pipes from a neighbouring source, which could be used for washing and flushing toilets. We are also arranging means of accessing showers. In the meantime the Bernie Grant Arts Centre has kindly agreed that residents can make use of the facilities there to use the toilet.

We will update you via email, text, letter and on this page as soon as we get more information. (*see update below*)

Your heating should not be affected. If you do experience a problem with your boiler this should not be because of the lack of water supply. If you rent your home from us please contact the Service Centre in the normal way on 020 7613 8080 and an appointment will be made for an engineer from BSW to attend. If you are a Shared Owner and you do not have a cover arrangement, such as British Gas service cover, while there are problems with the water supply we will arrange for an engineer from BSW (our main heating contractors) to attend without charge if you call us on 020 7613 8080.

We are making contact with all affected households to see if there is anyone vulnerable in their home and if necessary we will arrange for alternative accommodation until the water supply is reconnected.

If we have not managed to reach you, but you have a vulnerable family member, please email providing us with relevant contact details so that we can get in touch with you.

We will provide compensation for the time that you are without water and will contact you further about this once the supply has been reconnected. We will also meet reasonable out of pocket expenses for items such as laundry – so please keep any relevant receipts.

*UPDATE 01/03/18:

We have arranged access to a tap supply at the rear of Tottenham Town Hall. The Concierge based at 3-12 Isobel Place will be able to direct you to this supply point. We will be providing buckets, which will be located by the taps. This supply is mainly to help with providing water for flushing toilets and washing in the short term.

Although the tap supply should be perfectly safe we would advise that you don’t use it for drinking. Instead please use the bottled water supply provided for drinking.

We will have a 10,000 litre static drinking water tank onsite on Saturday.

In addition we have contacted the Council and the Tottenham Green Leisure Centre and you will be able to take a shower at the Leisure Centre without charge. When you get to the front desk please just let them know you are from Isobel Place. You can also continue to use the toilet facilities at Bernie Grant Arts Centre.

A reminder to please keep any receipts to claim for reasonable out of pocket expenses such as laundry.

Excavation works to source and repair the leak are due to start Sunday morning.